Nehalem Bay
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Lower Nehalem Rapid Bioassessment and Limiting Factors Analysis

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Mar 18, 2021
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A Rapid Bio-Assessment Inventory (RBA) for Salmonids was conducted by Bio-Surveys LLC within the Lower Nehalem watershed during the summers of 2018 and 2019. A total of 202.2 stream miles were snorkeled, encompassing all mainstem and tributary habitats exhibiting anadromous potential from the confluence with the Pacific Ocean to the confluence of Humbug Creek (RM 34.7). The intent of this project was to quantify distribution and relative abundance of all salmonid species within the range of anadromy during summer pinch period low flow regimes. Additionally, spawning gravel abundance estimates and anchor site identifications (LFA Lite) were included along with an inventory of thermal refugia within the lower 34.7 miles of the mainstem Nehalem. In this presentation Jeremy reviewed their findings and discussed the watershed's strengths and challenges.This Rapid Bioassessment and Limiting Factors Analysis heavily inform the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council's current priorities in the watershed.